Hi, my name is Gang Zhao [赵罡]

I’m a research scientist in IGSNRR (CAS), remote sensing specialist, hydrologist, and life explorer and learner~

My research touches on interdisciplinary water science including surface water monitoring, climate change, drought and water scarcity, global scale ecology, water quality, and deep learning.

赵罡,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所研究员,博士生导师,入选中国科学院引才计划青年项目并获择优支持。2018年博士毕业于美国德克萨斯A&M大学,后在斯坦福卡内基科学研究所进行博后训练。主要围绕变化环境的背景,对陆地水体的“水量平衡-能量平衡-水质变化”进行系统性遥感观测和数值模拟。作为项目骨干参与研发美国国家航空航天局(NASA)官方水库数据产品算法,研究成果被白宫经济顾问委员会等引用。以第一/通讯作者在Nature Water、PNAS、Nature Communications、Geophysical Research Letters、 Remote Sensing of Environment发表SCl论文十余篇。担任Remote Sensing、Frontiers in Environmental Science客座主编。


Postdoc @CarnegieEcologytrained Ph.D. @Texas A&M Universitydream is sailing across the Pacific with onboard wifi


Nov 2024: First-authored paper about “Decoupling of surface water storage from precipitation in global drylands” has been accepted by Nature Water (link coming soon)

Oct 2024: Co-authored paper about “Water quality–fisheries tradeoffs” has been published by PNAS.

May 2024: Co-authored paper about “Multivariate extremes in lakes” has been published by Nature Communications.

April 2024: Co-authored paper about “Decarbonisation potential of floating solar photovoltaics on lakes worldwide” has been published by Nature Water.

Oct 2023: Co-authored paper about “Geographic redistribution of microcystin hotspots in response to climate warming” has been published by Nature Water.

Aug 2023: First-author paper about “Climate regulating river nitrogen” has been published by PNAS.

June 2023: Co-authored paper about “Reservoir storage remote sensing” has been published by Nature Communications.

Officially joined IGSNRR in Nov, 2022! Look foward to the new path ahead!