
Zhao, G., Y. Li, H. Gao, Increasing global evaporation losses from 1.42 million lakes between 1985 and 2018. AGU Fall Meeting 2020 [Oral]

Zhao, G., H. Gao, Estimating global lake evaporation losses by leveraging MODIS LST data. AGU Fall Meeting 2019 [Oral]

Li, Y., H. Gao, G. Zhao, K.H. Tseng, Deriving high-resolution bathymetry for global reservoirs from multi-source satellite imagery and altimetry, AGU Fall Meeting 2019

Weatherby, K.M., G. Zhao, H. Gao, J.K. Brumbelow, G.W. Moore, Impact of drought severity and topography on tropical forests of Costa Rica, AGU Fall Meeting 2019

Holmes, C., S. Gangrade, G. Zhao, et al., Evaluating the effects of forecast lead time on streamflow and inundation predictions in Brays Bayou, Houston, Texas through coupled hydrologic-hydraulics models, AGU Fall Meeting 2019

Li X., G. Zhao, J.W. Nielsen-Gammon, H. Gao, Impacts of urbanization, antecedent rainfall events, and cyclone trajectory on extreme floods at Houston reservoirs during Hurricane Harvey, AGU Fall Meeting 2019

Zhao, G., H. Gao, Y. Li, and S.C. Kao, The impacts of droughts and water use on reservoir storage in the United States, World Environmental & Water Resources Congress 2019 [Oral]

Zhao, G., and H. Gao, Evaluating global hydrological droughts using remotely sensed reservoir surface area, AGU Fall Meeting 2018

Gao, H. and G. Zhao, Estimating reservoir evaporation losses for the United States, AGU Fall Meeting 2018

Shao, M., G. Zhao, C. Holmes, S.-C. Kao, and H. Gao, Quantifying the individual and combined impacts of urbanization and changing climate on hydrological processes – a case study of two adjacent basins in Texas, AGU Fall Meeting 2018

Holmes, C., M. Shao, G. Zhao, and H. Gao, Evaluating the impacts of urbanization on hydrological processes that contribute to flooding in Brays Bayou, Houston, Texas, AGU Fall Meeting 2018

Zhao, G., H. Gao, and S.-C. Kao, Impacts of climate change on the blue water footprint of hydropower in the United States, World Environmental & Water Resources Congress 2018 [Oral]

Gao, H. and G. Zhao, Evaporation losses from reservoirs in the United States, Earth System Modeling: Past, Present and Future Symposium in Honor of Robert Dickinson, 2018

Gao, H., S. Zhang, G. Zhao, and Y. Li, Advancing the capabilities of reservoir remote sensing by leveraging multi-source satellite data, AGU Fall Meeting 2017

Gao, H., G. Zhao, K. Lee, S. Zhang, X. Shen, M. Shao, and C. Nickelson, Why understanding the impacts of the changing environment on river basin hydrology matters in Texas? AGU Fall Meeting 2017 [Oral]

Zhao, G. and H. Gao, Evaporation losses from reservoirs in the United States, World Environmental & Water Resources Congress 2017 [Oral]

Zhao, G., and H. Gao, Improved evaluation of the blue water footprint from hydropower in the United States, AGU Fall Meeting 2017

Lee, K., G. Leng, M. Huang, J. Sheffield, G. Zhao, and H. Gao, Potential impacts of agricultural drought on crop yield variability under a changing climate in Texas, AGU Fall Meeting 2017

Zhao, G., H. Gao, B. S. Naz, S.-C. Kao, and N. Voisin, Connecting climate variability with water supply reliability. AGU Fall Meeting 2016 [Oral]

Zhao, G., H. Gao, B. Naz, S. Kao, and N. Voisin, Evaluating water supply resilience under future drought and urbanization, World Environmental & Water Resources Congress 2016 [Oral]

Gao, H., D. Roelke, A. Quigg, J. Gunn, S. Zhang, G. Zhao, and X. Shen, Towards monitoring and predicting phytoplankton productivity over Galveston Bay: Some preliminary results, State of the Bay Symposium, Galveston, TX, 2016.

Zhao, G., H. Gao, B. Naz, S. Kao, and N. Voisin, Sensitivity of reservoir storage and outflow to climate change in a water-limited river basin, AGU Fall Meeting 2015

Zhao, G., H. Gao, B. S. Naz, S.-C. Kao, and N. Voisin, Integrating a reservoir regulation scheme into a spatially distributed hydrological model. World Environmental & Water Resources Congress 2015 [Oral]

Zhao, G., H. Gao, and L. Cuo, Effects of urbanization and climate change on hydrological processes over the San Antonio River Basin, Texas. AGU Fall Meeting 2014

Zhao, G., H. Gao, and L. Cuo, Effects of urbanization and climate change on streamflows over the San Antonio River Basin, Texas. UCOWR/NIWR/CUAHSI Conference 2014 [Oral]