Journal articles
(For a full list, please refer to my Google Scholar)
Zhao, G.*, H Gao, Y Li, Q Tang, R.I Woolway, J Merder, L Rosa, AM Michalak (2024). Decoupling of surface water storage from precipitation in global drylands due to anthropogenic activity. Nature Water, in press.
Merder, J.*, Harris, T., Zhao, G., Stasinopoulos, D.M., Rigby, R.A., Michalak A.M. (2023) Geographic redistribution of microcystin hotspots in response to climate warming. Nature Water, 1-11
Zhao, G.*, Merder, J., Ballard, T. C., Michalak, A. M. (2023) Warming may offset the impacts of precipitation on nitrogen loading. PNAS 120 (33) e2220616120
Shao, M., Fernando, D., Zhu, J., Zhao, G., … Gao, H.* (2023) Estimating Future Surface Water Availability through an Integrated Climate-Hydrology-Management Modeling Framework at a Basin Scale under CMIP6 Scenarios. Water Resources Research (in press)
Li, Y., Zhao, G., Allen, G.H., Gao, H.* (2023) Diminishing storage return of reservoir construction. Nature Communications, 14, 3203.
Hou, Y., Zhao, G., Chen, X., Yu, X.* (2022) Improving Satellite Retrieval of Coastal Aquaculture Pond by Adding Water Quality Parameters. Remote Sensing, 14, 3306.
Zhao, G., Li, Y., Zhou, L., Gao, H.* (2022) Evaporative water loss of 1.42 million global lakes. Nature Communications, 13, 3686.
Wang, R., Ma, Y., Zhao, G.*, Zhou, Y., Shehab, I., & Burton, A. (2023). Investigating water quality sensitivity to climate variability and its influencing factors in four Lake Erie watersheds. Journal of Environmental Management, 325, 116449.
Liu, B., Tang, Q.*, Zhao, G., Gao, L., Shen, C., & Pan, B. (2022). Physics-Guided Long Short-Term Memory Network for Streamflow and Flood Simulations in the Lancang–Mekong River Basin. Water, 14(9), 1429.
Zhao, R., Liu, X., Dong, J., Zhao, G., Manevski, K., Andersen, M. N., & Tang, Q.* (2022). Human activities modulate greening patterns: a case study for southern Xinjiang in China based on long time series analysis. Environmental Research Letters, 17(4), 044012.
Li, X., Rankin, C., Gangrade, S., Zhao, G., Lander, K., Voisin, N., … & Gao, H.* (2021). Evaluating precipitation, streamflow, and inundation forecasting skills during extreme weather events: A case study for an urban watershed. Journal of Hydrology, 603, 127126.
Huang, X., Zhao, G., Zorn, C., Tao, F., Ni, S., Zhang, W., … & Höglind, M. (2021) Grass modelling in data-limited areas by incorporating MODIS data products. Field Crops Research, 271, 108250.
Li, Y., Zhao, G., Shah, D., Zhao, M., Sarkar, S., Devadiga, S., Zhao, B., Zhang, S., Gao, H.* (2021) NASA’s MODIS/VIIRS Global Water Reservoir Product Suite from Moderate Resolution Remote Sensing Data. Remote Sensing, 13, 565.
Li, X., Zhao, G., Nielsen-Gammon, J., Salazar, J., Wigmosta, M., Sun, N., … & Gao, H.* (2020). Impacts of urbanization, antecedent rainfall event, and cyclone tracks on extreme floods at Houston reservoirs during Hurricane Harvey. Environmental Research Letters, 15(12), 124012.
Zhao, G., Gao, H.*, & Kao, S. C. (2021). The implications of future climate change on the blue water footprint of hydropower in the contiguous US. Environmental Research Letters, 16(3), 034003.
Zhao, G., Gao, H.*, & Cai, X. (2020), Estimating lake temperature profiles and evaporation losses by leveraging MODIS LST data, Remote Sensing of Environment, 251, 112104.
Shao, M., Zhao, G., Kao, S.-C., Cuo, L., Rankin, C., Gao, H.* (2020), Quantifying the effects of urbanization on floods in a changing environment to promote water security - A case study of two adjacent basins in Texas, Journal of Hydrology, 125154.
Li, Y., Gao, H.*, Zhao, G., & Tseng, K.-H. (2020), A high-resolution bathymetry dataset for global reservoirs using multi-source satellite imagery and altimetry. Remote Sensing of Environment, 244, 111831.
Zhao, G., and H. Gao* (2019), Towards global hydrological drought monitoring using remotely sensed reservoir surface area, Geophysical Research Letters, 46.
Zhao, G., and H. Gao* (2019), Estimating reservoir evaporation losses for the United States: Fusing remote sensing and modeling approaches, Remote Sensing of Environment, 226, 109-124.
Sun, S., Zhao, G., Wang, T., Jin, J., Wang, P., Lin, Y., … & Mao, H. (2019). Past and future trends of vehicle emissions in Tianjin, China, from 2000 to 2030. Atmospheric environment, 209, 182-191.
Zhao, G., and H. Gao* (2018), Automatic correction of contaminated images for assessment of reservoir surface area dynamics. Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 6092-6099.
Zhao, G., H. Gao*, S.-C. Kao, N. Voisin, and B. S. Naz (2018), A modeling framework for evaluating the drought resilience of a surface water supply system under non-stationarity. Journal of Hydrology, 563, 22-32.
Zhao, G., H. Gao*, B. S. Naz, S.-C. Kao, N. Voisin (2016), Integrating a reservoir regulation scheme into a spatially distributed hydrological model, Advances in Water Resources, 98, 16-31.
Zhao, G., H. Gao*, and L. Cuo, (2016), Effects of urbanization and climate change on peak flows over the San Antonio River Basin, Texas. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 17, 2371-2389.
Li, X., Y. Xu, G. Zhao, C. Shi, el al., (2015). Assessing threshold values for eutrophication management using Bayesian method in Yuqiao Reservoir, North China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187(4), 1-10.
Zhao, G., C. Li, Y. Lu, et al., (2013) Application of QUAL2Kw model to simulation of water quality in Huangshan section of Xin’an River, Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering, 24(5): 1-5 (in Chinese).
Zhao, G., and H. Gao, Estimating global lake evaporation losses by leveraging MODIS LST data, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2019
Gao, H., G. Zhao, K. Lee, S. Zhang, X. Shen, M. Shao, C. Nickelson, Why understanding the impacts of the changing environment on river basin hydrology matters in Texas?, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2017
Lee, K., G. Leng, M. Huang, J. Sheffield, G. Zhao, and H. Gao, Potential impacts of agricultural drought on crop yield variability under a changing climate in Texas, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2017
Zhao, G., H. Gao, B. S. Naz, S.-C. Kao, and N. Voisin, Connecting climate variability with water supply reliability. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2016
Zhao, G., H. Gao, B. S. Naz, S.-C. Kao, N. Voisin, Integrating a reservoir regulation scheme into a spatially distributed hydrological model. World Environmental & Water Resources Congress 2015
Zhao, G., H. Gao, and L. Cuo, Effects of Urbanization and Climate Change on Hydrological Processes over the San Antonio River Basin, Texas. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2014
Zhao, G., H. Gao, and L. Cuo, Effects of urbanization and climate change on streamflows over the San Antonio River Basin, Texas. UCOWR/NIWR/CUAHSI Conference 2014